A Collection of JavaScript patterns if you interested welcome
Cash Machine app to try frameworks
In our days there a lot of javascript client and backend side frameworks. But for best understanding we should do practice, so I created repo to write there the same app "cash machine" using different frameworks. The app has two sides back and client. On back there is api and on client there is ui.
Website: Cash Machine
Repo: Github
It's something similar to TodoMVC
Git learning
Start with Git how to 50 min
And if you like continue
- https://github.com/Gazler/githug 1 hour
- https://www.codeschool.com/courses/git-real 1 hour
- https://www.codeschool.com/courses/git-real-2 1 hour
Summary: ~ 4 hours
JavaScript skeleton(starter, example) using Express and Chaplin
If you want to start a project in pure JavaScript it is one of the options of project structure. I was faced with this problem, considered a lot of projects and collect this one. The project structure is divided into two parts, the frontend and backend. This two parts are very similar in structure using MVC. The app works on the principle of building ui based on data from the backend as JSON. Also in this project you can find a few examples (authorization using passport, test coverage on frontend, etc.)
RubyonRails Books
First book was Agile Web Development with Rails (4th edition) mark 4/5
I like this book. It has tutorial on about 260 pages and about 200 pages of documentation that I ignored. The hardest part of book was deployment (I was making it on CentOS). Tutorial was making internet shop with ajax and default Rails testing.
You can see my source code on github
Next book was Rails 3 in Action mark 3/5
It was hard book that consists of one tutorial of making ticket system. This book shows only some part of tutorial code so you have to look inside github repository for adding your project. It uses Rspec and Cucumber for testing and includes some gems (device for auth, cancan for acl etc).
Book source code github
You can see my source code on github
Last book was Ruby on Rails Tutorial mark 5/5
Its perfect tutorial that give you all basic knowledge how to build website on Rails. It shows Rspec testing and basic knowledge of Rails. My opinion you cant do Rails without reading this tutorial.
Book source code github
You can see my source code on github
Demo https://frozen-river-6417.herokuapp.com/
P. S. I like Rails its growing rapidly and it has many gems so it never be boring. Also there is several books that I am going to read. They going to be released soon Rails Recipes: Rails 3 Edition by Chad Fowler (Paperback - Apr 7, 2012), Learning Rails 3 by Simon St.Laurent (Paperback - Jun 22, 2012) and The Rails View: Creating a Beautiful and Maintainable User Experience by Bruce Williams and John Athayde (Paperback - Apr 6, 2012)
Sinatra Ruby
Sinatra really cool web framework that has good support.
CI CMS Ionize and Halogy
P.S. I think CI is best framework for small websites or for programmers that like writing websites on clear php. For big project I think CI doesn't suitable. CI also gives freedom in writing code, its very easy for beginner, have good documentation, but it has very small functionality versus frameworks like Yii CakePHP...
Small Perl Web Frameworks review
P.S. If I would have to write something on Perl I'll choose Mojolicious.
Something about WordPress
I wrote on many frameworks so I wanted to write something on cms. I took WorPress because its the most popular blog cms I know and started learning it. At First I dislike but than I really like it. In few words its sounds like "You have instruments like posts, taxonomies, users, comments, settings and something else, and You can manipulate it like you want in Frontend". Also WordPress have many free plugins but they wrote not so good or with banners, so you need make some correction. We I like wp its because its very popular so You can find a lot of information in google also You can found plugin that you want or similar for you requirements so you don't have to write plugin from the begging. Also I spent three days looking inside wp code and I can say that this project not object orientation there are a few classes and a lots of functions. At the end of my traveling to the code I understood that It's cool because people who don't know programming, like work with function then with classes. So that is why WordPress have so many themes and plugins.
P.S. When I am writing my blog I manipulated wp instruments like I want. I had no limits so its cool and I didn't need to write some code in wp.
Also You can download github.com my portfolio plugin that I built from another two wp plugins.
Ultra simple mail aggregator
Писался проект на Ruby on Rails.
Сайт http://ulsimag.heroku.com/